Meet the Newest Ohno Team Member

Ohno StaffBlog

We’re excited to announce the newest member of the Ohno family: Ashlee Taylor. Ashlee joined our team this month as a Project Wrangler. That means Ashlee is tasked with making sure the team knows what our clients need, whether it’s a new website featuring an online store or an inexpensive brochure to distribute at a street fair. She helps us understand the priorities of our clients so we can balance our workload and meet your deadlines.

To help her understand our clients and their priorities, Ashlee will spend the next couple weeks attending meetings with Grace and Michael. During those meetings, the goal is for her to learn about the diverse businesses we serve.

She fit in with the Ohno team almost immediately. At her first staff meeting, Chief of Security Lego signaled his approval of Ashlee by camping out under her feet. Before the end of her first week, she was already a regular contributor to Grace and Kathy’s running commentary on favorite foods and beverages. She’s been here just long enough to tag along for a couple of rambling, afternoon visits to downtown Bay City and Pinconning.

If you see her at your office, please stop and introduce yourself. If you can’t figure out what to talk about, just ask her about the drive to Pinconning and the moment that spurred her to say: “I feel like this isn’t the weirdest thing you’ve ever done.”