Lang Family Dentistry Website Re-design Debuts This Week

Ohno StaffBlog

It was easy to get testimonials from the patients of Dr. Laurence C. Lang, II. Patients love both Dr. Lang and his staff. After spending some time in his office as we worked on the website, we understand why patients love him. Dr. Lang is eager to embrace new technology and methods to maximize patient comfort and results. Check out … Read More

Remember our veterans on Memorial Day

Ohno StaffBlog

Over this Memorial Day weekend, while you are enjoying barbecues and gatherings of family and friends, we encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made by the men and women in the U.S. armed forces . You can learn the stories of individuals from Michigan who served in the military on the website of Ohno client, … Read More

Vintage Weekend

Ohno StaffBlog

We’re all yelling “Huzzah” this weekend as Alan and Bay City’s vintage base ball team – The Bay City Independents – head to Columbus, Ohio for the first Ohio vs. Michigan Classic. Over the weekend, four Michigan and four Ohio teams will compete in sixteen games, played by rules from either 1864 or 1867. Alan and The Bay City Independents … Read More

Give Your Website Name a Little Zing

Ohno StaffBlog

A whole batch of new domain names were just released. That could make this the perfect time to grab a more descriptive web presence. We already grabbed since that made sense for us. But there are lots of new domain extensions that might make sense for your business. There’s .lawyer, . expert, .guru, .life, .care, .party and .buzz. We really … Read More

Spring is Finally Here

Ohno StaffBlog

One of the surest signs of spring is the abundant, fragrant blossoms on the beautiful magnolia tree just outside of the Ohno Design Studio. Now, if it would just warm up enough to walk to Herman Hiss & Company to do some Mother’s Day shopping before spending the afternoon at the Waterfall Park.

Check It Out: We Made an App!

Ohno StaffBlog

Part of what makes Cobblestone Homes such a fun client to work with is they love technology as much as we do. Jesse and Alan just finished creating Ohno Design’s first-ever iPhone app! The App for the Cobblestone Parade of Homes and is available to download from the App Store. It has descriptions of each home plus a map to guide … Read More

Ohno Design Puts Zing in Your Printed Products, Too

Ohno StaffBlog

Here at Ohno Design, we get so excited when we launch new websites that we forget to tell you about our day-to-day projects, too. While our websites tend to be longer-term projects, we also have daily print, photo, writing and design assignments come through the studio to keep us hopping. The bi-annual Garpiel Landscaping newsletter is a great example. We put … Read More

Ohno Design Launches Tools 4 Teachers Website

Ohno StaffBlog

Here at Ohno Design, we love teachers. Our own Tammie Stimpfel has a K-12 art teacher certification. So we are genuinely excited when education projects come through the studio. The latest, Tools 4 Teachers, has been loads of fun. Because T4T founder Rachel Snell’s website is also her business, we’ve set her up with a functional site that allows her to … Read More

Ohno Redesigns Heritage Arms Apartments Website

Ohno StaffBlog

After Heritage Arms Apartments in Midland completed renovations to its rentals, the owners decided it was time to renovate its online home, too. So they contacted Ohno Design. We are excited to introduce the new Heritage Arms Apartments website. After shooting new photographs, we then designed a website that is clean, fresh and modern … just like their apartments! This … Read More

Ohno Unveils Makeover of Pride and Country Website

Ohno StaffBlog

When the owner of Pride and Country Village in Saginaw approached us about redesigning her website, she had a challenging goal: She wanted an identity that let her current customers know she still has country merchandise, but she also wanted an updated look to appeal to a wider customer base. She has a broad range of merchandise these days (furniture, … Read More